
Data used in the loon package.

Interactive visualization for exploratory data visualization.

Talk given on loon at the School of Informatics, Computing, and Cyber Systems. Features Alaska forestry data analysis with loon.


Turn _ggplot2_ graphic data structures into interactive _loon_ plots

Interactive ggplots in R

Talk given by Zehao Xu on the loon.ggplot package which renders ggplots into interactive loon plots. SDSS 2019, Beyond Big Data - Building Data Tools.

About 'her emails'

Talk given by Chris Salahub on Hillary Clinton's emails at the meeting of the Stat. Soc. of Canada. Includes significance tests.

Introduction to loon, an extendible toolkit for exploratory visualization and data analysis

Tutorial given at _MontReal 2018_ on Loon.

Exploratory Visualization of Higher Dimensional Data

Research seminar given at the Institute for Statistics and Mathematics, Wien University.

About "her emails"

Patterns in Secretary Clinton's emails and a website (select "Code") that allows anyone to interactively explore the patterns.

Exploratory Visualization via Extendible Interactive Graphics

Talk given in the invited session _Interactive Statistical Graphics_, Where Are We Now?"


Exploratory interactive data visualization.